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Cancer Active Annihilation Therapy (CEAT) -Microwave Therapy-

What is cancer activity eradication therapy?

This clinic uses "cancer activity annihilation therapy" for cancer treatment.
The English name for Cancer Energy Annihilation Therapy is "Cancer Energy Annihilation Therapy," so the initials are taken and it is also abbreviated as "CEAT."
Cancer cells have the energy to grow and function on their own, as well as the energy to turn surrounding healthy cells into cancer.
We call this energy "cancer activity."
CEAT is a cancer treatment method that aims to discover and eliminate cancer activity hidden within the body.
The testing method for detecting cancer activity is "resonance response testing," and the treatment for eliminating cancer activity is "microwave irradiation therapy."

About Resonance Response Testing

The resonance response test is a test method developed for cancer diagnosis based on the O-ring test (official name: Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, abbreviated as BDORT). The resonance response test is said to be able to confirm the presence of energy (cancer activity) emitted by cancer genes throughout the entire process from their generation, increase in number, and formation of a tumor.

Sun Clinic Breast Care/Immunocare Resonance Response Test

About microwave radiation therapy

The patient stands between two microwave generators, and the area diagnosed as having cancer is irradiated with microwaves for a few seconds three or four times. This is repeated two or three times a week until the cancer gene is completely eliminated.

Specifically, it attacks only cancer cells through the following mechanism:

Step 1: Irradiate cells to generate heat

When irradiated, the electrons in the cells vibrate intensely, and the temperature rises due to frictional heat between the molecules, causing both normal cells and cancer cells to heat up at the same time.

Step 2: Damage only cancer cells while leaving normal cells intact

Sun Clinic Breast Care/Immuno Care Microwave Irradiation Device

Even if the temperature of normal cells rises, they are quickly cooled to normal temperature because there are normal blood vessels around them and their temperature is around 37°C.

In contrast, cancer cells contain a lot of water and the surrounding blood vessels are weaker than normal blood vessels, meaning that they tend to heat up easily and are slow to cool down.

This difference in properties means that only cancer cells are damaged by heat.

Microwave irradiation device

Step 3: Create synergy

When normal cells are warmed, their immunity is improved and blood flow improves, which has the effect of activating the functions of internal organs.
This synergistic effect can further increase the ability to attack cancer cells.

Treatment period and frequency

The treatment plan will vary depending on the patient's condition and symptoms, so we will decide after you have undergone an examination and tests.

Fees (private medical treatment)

  • First visit: 33,000 yen (tax included)

  • After the first visit: 11,000 yen (tax included)

*The duration of each treatment is a maximum of 20 minutes for the resonance response test and a maximum of 15 minutes for microwave irradiation therapy.

Side effects of CEAT

In CEAT micro-irradiation therapy, depending on the condition of the cancerous area, the irradiation time may be longer, and you may feel fatigue for a short period of time immediately after irradiation.

Regarding elective medical treatment using unapproved drugs, etc.

- Indicate that it is an unapproved drug, etc., and indicate the acquisition route, etc.

The microwave irradiation device used in this treatment has not been approved under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act. In Japan, unapproved medical devices can be used at the doctor's own risk.

Availability of domestically approved drugs, etc.

Currently, there are no other drugs approved in Japan that have the same properties as the one used in this treatment.


Resonance Response Test

In the United States, it was recognized as a useful invention in 1993 and a patent was granted to its inventor, Dr. Omura Yoshiaki.

Sun Clinic Breast Care/Immunocare Resonance Response Test
Microwave radiation therapy

In Japan, it is not recognized as a medical device, but in the United States, Canada, South Korea, the People's Republic of China, and Europe (38 European countries and the European Patent Office), Dr. Kaoru Maeda and others have been granted patents for it as a "therapeutic device that destroys cancer cell tissue by irradiating microwaves."

United States
Patent No.: US 7,160,239 B2
Date of patent: Jan. 9, 2007
Method of breaking cancer cell tissue by microelectromagnetic radiation and microelectromagnetic radiator

Sun Clinic Breast Care/Immunocare Microwave Irradiation Therapy

Patent No.: CA 2,440,139
Date of patent: Jan. 27, 2009
Method of breaking cancer cell tissue by microelectromagnetic radiation and microelectromagnetic radiator

Patent No.: EP 1,371,389 B1
Date of patent: Dec. 21, 2011
Method of controlling microelectromagnetic radiator for breaking cancer cell tissue

Others: Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China

Research into Cancer Active Elimination Therapy (CEAT) and the promotion of improved healing power are carried out by the Cancer Active Elimination Therapy Society, a general incorporated association.

Sun Clinic Breast Care/Immunocare
Consultations and reservations

Cancer immunotherapy requires a reservation.

Please contact us via the inquiry form or by phone .

(9:30am - 12:00pm / 3:00pm - 6:00pm)

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